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9A Lean - Bushwalk

9B Millard - Snorkel & Rock Climb/Abseil

9C Thomas - Bushwalk & Mountain Biking

9D Queale - Bushwalk

9E Raymond - Bushwalk & Mountain Biking

9F Goodfellow - Rock Climb/Abseil & Snorkel

What an amazing day for our staff and students. As a special treat tonight please see below for both a podcast with our Middle School Captains, Chelsea Lucas and Mason Bentley (recorded last night) and a few words from David Mezinec.



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𝘓𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘯 𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘸𝘦𝘣𝘴𝘪𝘵𝘦


A Word from our Principal David Mezinec

What a privilege to be on the 9SHINE Team


It has been a privilege spend some time with the year 9 students and staff team this week and see the way they have learnt more about themselves and their own individual inner strengths; strengths which have then enabled then to be more understanding of and present to their peers.


The wide range of carefully planned activities, as well as pivots because of weather challenges, have given students a glimpse of real life with all its uncertainties and un-predictabilities, but also enhanced their sense of collaboration and teamwork to overcome such challenges.


The evening strengths activity has been one of many highlights, encouraging our students to look for, name and celebrate the strengths of their peers, however hard that has been to start with.  It is nevertheless clear that they are getting good at this and are increasingly looking at one another in appreciative, strengths-based ways.    


Furthermore, when I have witnessed random acts of presence, kindness, leadership, creativity and thoughtfulness on the camp I have become immensely proud of these precious young people and the committed, talented  staff team who have prepared them so well for the 9SHINE outdoor experience during the year.  I am confident that this experience will not only create fond memories and new lasting friendships for life, but will also help these young create their own inner life compass so that they will ‘let their light shine’ whatever journey their life takes.


What a privilege to come off the bench to be a small part of the ‘action on the arena.’  

Day 4 was one where finally only very minimal rain occurred and we were able to trust the clouds in the sky. It has been incredibly evident that students are now understanding the power of the experience and their mindsets have made that shift to embrace everything that is thrown their way.


Mr Lean is incredibly proud of this group and the strides they have made. Honestly, he has been very surprised with the amount of resilience they have shown throughout. The vibe has been strong in the group throughout the expeditions and tomorrow they will finish off their bushwalk and head for the Mountain Biking in Kuitpo Forest. There isn’t too much more to say about this group other than they are far outperforming expectations. Special mention to Toby Stutley who was awarded three character strength medals last night. Huge effort!


A very up and down day for 9B (pardon the pun). Unfortunately, although the weather had improved the swell was too large to snorkel at Port Noarlunga. Therefore this class made their way to Marion and used the Aquatic Centre. They were disappointed but embraced the experience as expected. They spent the afternoon abseiling and rock climbing in the Onkaparinga Gorge and this is arguably the highlight of the trip. The scenery is breathtaking and many students stepped far outside their comfort zones. It was important that while the students were snorkelling that Miss Millard was able to enjoy a her staple small soy latte. Our energiser bunny teacher needed some caffeine and bounced back to show the kids how it was done in the Gorge. One pleasing story to emerge from today was Tilly Salmon conquering her crippling fear of heights to abseil down the cliff. Amazing effort and attitude.



Mr Thomas’ class have landed at base camp after completing all of their expeditions. They are in very high spirits considering they have just kayaked and bushwalked in the rain for three days. Thankfully between their leader Mickey and Mr Thomas they were also able to coordinate a differentiated solo experience that gave students a chance to reflect whilst on the bushwalk. Jace Minge used this time to reflect in his dreams as he sat up against a tree and had a snooze. 9C also enjoyed Mountain biking this afternoon and will enjoy some more ‘fun activities’ tomorrow. Credit must go to Elyse Willoughby our Sports Trainee who might be more tired than the majority of students but continues to push through.



Mrs Queales group have really come along in the middle part of this week. Initially a reluctant group but have shown their immense growth today by tackling the dreaded cove trek in the Deep Creek Conservation Park. There are students amongst this class that continue to stand out and be leaders. They will return to base camp tomorrow night and enjoy a prepared meal. They deserve a lot of credit for taking on the tasks in front of them.



Mr Raymonds group have landed at base camp and I’m not ashamed to admit that there was a little embrace between Mr Raymond and Mr Maney. As expected 9E are very well organised and have impressed with their ability to set up camp and help each other. They have tackled some incredibly tough conditions throughout both of their expeditions and despite that they are in great spirits. They will enjoy a modified solo experience at base tonight as well as a cooked meal and a hot shower. They have earned it! 9E were also lucky enough to undertake the Mountain Biking this afternoon and will rock climb and snorkel tomorrow. One student who deserves a mention is Josh Aberle. What an amazing experience this young man is having and he continues to approach the week with so much positivity. 



A tremendous day of personal growth for 9F. Halle Zwar awoke to be celebrating her birthday on 9SHINE and her peers have certainly helped her feel special throughout the day, refer to our social stories for the students serenading her whilst in a climbing harness. As previously mentioned Miss Goodfellow has provided such a nurturing environment for this class and they have flourished. Unfortunately the swell did not ease in the afternoon and they also headed for the Marion Aquatic Centre. A lot of students made huge strides today but there are two I want to highlight. Lexi Gentile after a few initial stumbles in the climb managed to climb the whole cliff face and Paddy Dycer completed the abseil after a real mental struggle. The pride Paddy had when reaching the ground was a fulfilling moment for not only himself but the staff. Great work 9F. They will Kayak tomorrow and enjoy their solo experience tonight at Hindmarsh Island.


Bring on Day 5!

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