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9A Lean - Kayak & Bushwalk


9B Millard - Bushwalk & Mountain Biking


9C Thomas - Bushwalk

9D Queale - Kayak & Bushwalk


9E Raymond - Bushwalk


9F Goodfellow - Bushwalk & Mountain Biking

We have now reached the halfway mark of our experience and finally today the sun decided to show it’s face however that was also only very sporadic.


In my humble opinion generally the 9SHINE student mindset works this way:

Day 1: Anxiety and Excitement

Day 2: The Two Day Blues

Day 3: The Third Day Switch


Generally at this stage students make the decision that they are the person that needs to organise themselves and lead their peers. Their parents/carers aren’t here to do it for them and that’s a beautiful thing. You always witness immense growth throughout this period and it’s so empowering to sit back and see the student’s rapid personal development.


Today had it’s challenges but the students took it in their stride and continued to show perseverance for anything that was thrown their way.



Mr Lean’s group enjoyed an expedition day and have now completed the first half of their bushwalk through Deep Creek. Mr Lean has commended the ability of this group to support those that may be struggling or need an energy lift. Many students have received different character strength medals throughout and this is a testament to their ability to harness an array of personal strengths. They will spend tomorrow bushwalking all day and cooking their own meals. Thankfully the rain looks to be heading away for the remainder of the week.



Last night at about 6:00 pm the decision was made for 9B and 9F to relocate to base camp due to their Kuitpo camp site being underwater. This was well received with students and I have never seen a group of tired students pack up so quickly. They were able to sleep in a dorm last night and enjoy a warm shower.


Today was a great day for this group and they have really come together throughout the past 24 hours. Last night they thanked Mr Buckley for helping them through the bushwalk and enjoyed a thoughtful medal ceremony. Today was a matter of returning to Kuitpo and packing down their campsite as well as Mountain Biking in the afternoon. They were excited this afternoon for Mr Mezinec’s arrival and have made him feel more than welcome. It is also worth noting that after a less than impressive early skills development session Mr Mezinec was able to come through the course in one piece. I must admit I was slightly doubtful. Special mention to Edie Easterby who became a real leader today and rumours are circulating she will receive numerous medals tonight.



These students enjoyed a full-day bushwalk today in the sun, rain, and hail. Mr Thomas is very proud of his group and they have also managed to come together and offer support. They are now into their third night in a row of cooking their own meals and no doubt will be very keen for a beef burger tomorrow night at base camp. There is always a lot of variety in each classes timetables and this class has managed to adjust well.



Mrs Queale’s class have now completed their first leg of the bushwalk and will also spend tomorrow walking through Deep Creek. As a highlight, they were able to see some seals this morning around the marina of Hindmarsh Island after completing their solo experience. There have been great reports surfacing from their night and all students participated in the t-shirt reflection activity. Word out of 9D is Ollie Langford might be the best Trangia cook in the group.



Mr Raymond’s class continues to soldier on through trying conditions. Like 9C they should be commended for their perseverance and zest for each challenge that has awaited. They have now completed the most difficult part of the experience and will finish up their bushwalk before Mountain Biking tomorrow afternoon. The good news is that Jack Walmsley despite the conditions has managed to keep his smirk.



Our quiet achievers continue to prove how well-constructed and helpful they are for all involved. Numerous times across the day 9F were seen to be going out of their way to help others and this is a credit to Miss Goodfellow who has instilled such an inclusive environment throughout the school year. Like 9B they packed down their Kuitpo sites this morning and enjoyed Mountain Biking this afternoon. They will undertake Rock Climbing and Snorkelling tomorrow before camping at Hindmarsh tomorrow night.


Day 3 can be summed up in four words:

I can do this

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