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9A Lean - Snorkel, Kayak & SOLO


9B Millard - Bushwalk


9C Thomas - Kayak & Bushwalk

9D Queale - Rock Climb/Abseil, Kayak & SOLO


9E Raymond - Kaya & Bushwalk


9F Goodfellow - Bushwalk

Day 2 was another series of weather challenges that pushed our kids out of their comfort zones but ultimately rewarded them as well. Stories from camp sites over night have been positive with students embracing our medal ceremony.


For those who don’t know, the students hold a medal ceremony each night. These medals represent one of the VIA character strengths and students are tasked for looking for the student who displayed that strength in the previous 24 hours. This is arguably the most important component of the camp

experience as it gives the students a chance to reflect and grow together as one.


See below for a quick description of each character strength.

Appreciation of Beauty and Excellence – I recognize, emotionally experience, and appreciate the beauty around me and the skill of others.”

Bravery – “I act on my convictions, and I face threats, challenges, difficulties, and pains, despite my doubts and fears.”

Creativity – “I am creative, conceptualizing something useful, coming up with ideas that result in something worthwhile.”

Curiosity – “I see out situations where I gain new experiences without getting in my own or other people’s way.”

Fairness – “I treat everyone equally and fairly, and give everyone the same chance applying the same rules to everyone.”

Gratitude – “I am grateful for many things and I express that thankfulness to others.”

Honesty – “I am honest to myself and to others”

Hope – “I am realistic and also full of optimism about the future, believing in my actions and feeling confident things will turn out well.”

Humility – “I see my strengths and talents but I am humble, not seeking to be the centre of attention or to receive recognition.”

Humour – “I approach life playfully, making others laugh, and finding humour in difficult and stressful times.”

Judgement – “I weigh all aspects objectively in making decisions, including arguments that are in conflict with my convictions

Kindness – I am helpful and empathic and regularly do nice favours for others without expecting anything in return.”

Leadership – “I take charge and guide groups to meaningful goals, and ensure good relations among group members.”

Love – “I experience close, loving relationships that are characterized by giving and receiving love, warmth, and caring.”

Love of Learning – I am motivated to acquire new levels of knowledge.”

Perseverance – I persist toward my goals despite obstacles, discouragements, or disappointments.”

Perspective – I give advice to others by considering different perspectives.”

Self-Regulation – “I manage my feelings and actions and am disciplined and self-controlled.”

Social Intelligence – “I am aware of and understand my feelings and thoughts, as well as the feelings of those around me.”

Teamwork – I am a helpful and contributing group and team member.”

Zest – “I feel vital and full of energy, I approach life feeling activated and enthusiastic.”



These students showed just how valuable a mobile device can be for the younger generation and their ability to understand the time of the day. After the majority of the class was awake at approximately 5:53 am they were met with a slightly grumpy Mr Lean but pushed through their differences to have a rewarding day. The original plan to snorkel at Port Noarlunga was explored however the safer option was taken in order for maximum participation and like 9D they also snorkelled at the Marion Aquatic Centre. Thankfully they were able to Kayak around the Marina at Hindmarsh Island and will enjoy a solo experience tonight.



What a start to the trip this group have enjoyed? Alongside 9F they have been met with torrential rain today and to their credit they have remained positive and did their best to complete a bushwalk leg today. 9B were tasked with the tougher bushwalk today in more open conditions and this was ultimately their downfall as they were only able to complete 9km. Students have spent the afternoon building a camp fire and enjoying each others company. Things haven’t exactly gone to plan for our energy group but it can only improve from here. Wilderness have done a great job of putting student safety at the core of everything they do.



Students were able to get on the water today in their Kayaks and enjoyed a great time. Many barriers were broken and students enjoyed their first active morning. They have also completed the first half day of their bushwalking expedition and will camp at the Trig Camp Ground in the Deep Creek Conservation Park tonight. They will once again cook their own meals and rumours are circulating that this is an area they could improve in.



This group alongside 9A have managed to score the lucky end of the timetable and enjoyed the high ropes course this morning. Many students stepped up despite their fear of heights and were able to give it a go. Ultimately, getting out of their comfort zones and embracing perseverance is at the core of 9SHINE. They have also enjoyed a Kayak this afternoon and will spread out for their solo night tonight. Whilst on their solo they will complete their reflection t-shirt activity and I encourage all parents/carers to take a look at this shirt upon arrival home.



Mr Raymond’s group was able to get on the water this morning and paddle around. Will Pearson did his best to set a record for the most capsizes inside an hour and also treated a Wilderness instructor to a swim as well. Sometimes you can only sit back and laugh.  This group is led so well by Chris and has undertaken the first half day of their bushwalk. They will camp at the Tapanappa campground tonight and cook their own meals.



Our quiet achievers are setting the tone for the rest of the cohort and are Mr Maney’s choice for most determined at this stage. Miss Goodfellow has created a really caring environment and despite the conditions managed to walk 16km today before 3:00 pm. They will bunker down tonight at Kuitpo Forest and cook their own meals. Special mention to Fred and Alexei who for reasons unknown decided to set up their tent on top of a stump and instead of simply moving the tent they are persevering with their current situation. Another quick mention to Noah Pearce who hates doing his dishes so much that he just finds it easier to have a handful of cereal and a sip of milk 25 times rather than wash a bowl and a spoon.


Our weather is improving considerably over the next few days and although it’s been tough the care for each other is growing by the hour. We preach that 9SHINE will be unforgettable and it is certainly proving so. Please also be patient with photos of each group as I will do my best to ensure each group is displayed throughout the week.

Thanks – Mr Maney

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