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9A Lean - Bushwalk & Mountain Biking


9B Millard - Kayak & SOLO


9C Thomas - Rock Climb/Abseil & Snorkel

9D Queale - Bushwalk & Mountain Biking


9E Raymond - Snorkel & Rock Climb/Abseil


9F Goodfellow - Kayak 

Tonights blog is an opportunity to read a reflection from each of our 9SHINE teachers. They have worked tirelessly throughout 2022 to prepare for this experience and each student has been aptly rewarded. Enjoy their words and I’m sure many of you cannot wait to see the students return and the smiles on their faces.


9A with Lewis Lean

Wowee! What a week! 9A has been able to show some resolute resilience whilst working through adversity throughout the week. Whilst challenging, 9A started with a modified high ropes course at base camp that saw some tears, smiles and everything else in between. The weather hold out and this was a fantastic start to the week. Followed by a modified session at Marion Aquatic, Kayak into solo night, bushwalking for 1 and half days then finally into a bike ride, the week was full of adventure. Students were able to connect with the outdoors and with themselves as well. Each student battled through a plethora of challenges. Tying with our GEM principle, it is evidently clear that student were able to use the tribulations presented to them and persevere to have a memorable time.


9B with Tara Millard

 “It’s your reaction to adversity, not adversity itself that determines how your life’s story will develop.” This quote sums up 9B’s week perfectly. From day one our schedule was impacted by the weather. The group had two choices from day one- let it ruin their 9SHINE experience, complain about the elements out of our control or take it in their stride and rise to the occasion. From the moment I met 9B I knew that they were special in their own right, they are a bunch of individuals with character, they make me laugh and at times make me want to tear my hair out… but I wouldn’t want to be on this journey with anyone else.


I knew from Week 1 this experience would allow for a group like mine to shine. At that they did this week they proved to myself, each other and the Tenison Woods College community that they are capable young adults ready to tackle the responsibilities of senior school and beyond. Their growth has been noticed not just by myself but from the Wilderness Staff and Tenison Woods College Staff. This week pushed all of us out of our comfort zone, we had a group kayak for the very first time and took to it like a duck to water. Rock climbing highlighted individual achievements and the support towards each other while their peers were being vulnerable was just gold. Mountain bike riding demonstrated that this group are a brave bunch with 99% of 9B choosing to ride the difficult path through Kuitpo Forest by the end of the day we had all members of 9B on the hard track.


I have loved watching this group bond together through the challenges faced together. I truly believe that through this experience this group have learnt the meaning of community spirit and many hands make light work. Parents of 9B thank you for trusting me this week with your young people, they have left me with memories I will cherish forever. I’m sure you can’t wait to hold your daughter or son when we return tomorrow, just know they have missed you all deeply and have immense gratitude towards you all, they all can’t wait to see your smiling faces.


9C with Che Thomas

We entered challenged from the start but began with a positive and open mindset. We started with our first activity being a delayed kayak experience, which was scheduled for the second day, but still enjoyed sight seeing and other activities our class participated in before hand. A memorable moment would be watching the students set up the tents during the rain, embracing every experience.


The students began the second day with open minds taking full advantage of the morning while kayaking through rain and sunshine, but laughter was all that could be heard. Tuesday, I experienced the kind and caring class that 9C is, when I was going though my toughest morning.


Highlights during the week would be seeing the students supporting and encouraging each other when people were pushed out of their comfort zone. This could be seen during walks, rock climbing and snorkelling. A turning point for the students I noticed was when during our hike they would be forced to support each other and get behind each other when they were struggling. I enjoyed seeing the students push through the first few days and hear the gratitude they acknowledged for the things they were missing.


During our medallion experience, the students involved themselves with full participation and thought hard about every decision, which would be hard in previous class experiences. Rock climbing pushed many students and myself to the limits, but the support and the positive environment helped me and many others to be brave and have a go. Mother Nature tested the strengths of our students when cooking their meals on the trangias, however all students created fulfilling meals that they loved and enjoyed. This week really highlighted the students’ growth in their resilience, along with their improved bonds within the class.


Both myself and Elyse Willoughby have grown closer to the students as we have also struggled alongside them. 


9D with Angela Queale

When preparing the students for 9SHINE throughout the year, we talked a lot about pushing ourselves outside of our comfort zone and bringing a growth mindset to camp. Little did we know that the cold, wet and horrible weather conditions ensured we were forced to do that each time we stepped outside our tents. The students were unbelievable with the way they donned their blue raincoats, pushed through the conditions, and made the most of each activity we did.


At our nightly group medallion ceremonies, the students acknowledged the amazing accomplishments of their peers and celebrated what they were able to achieve either individually or as a contribution to the group. One of our greatest achievements as a class was tackling the Deep Creek Cove Hike, which was challenging to say the least. The steep terrain forced us to summon every inch of courage to make it to the top. I am so unbelievably proud of the way the class handled this challenge and it epitomised the journey of self-discovery that we hope our students go through on an experience like this.


9E with Chris Raymond

Words cannot describe how immensely proud of this group of superstars I am. My expectations of each student have been exceeded tenfold. Personal bests have been blown out of the water and every single member of 9E should be so super stoked with their efforts throughout the week. We challenged ourselves each day to find something that scared us and something that pushed us to the next level.


The weather conditions have continued to be a talking point as every drop of rain, blustery gust of wind or piercing hail stone, has provoked students (and staff) to dig deep, channel determination and persevere. The simple tasks of cooking, setting up tents and walking became extreme challenges. Our (modified) expeditions as well as our activities were obvious highlights. However, it was through these activities that we were able to see the true purpose of this camp. Each experience acted as a means for students to ‘shine’- aka: demonstrate and build character, develop their sense of self, and promote connections to each other as well as our environment.


Our debrief and medallion ceremony each evening became a personal highlight for me. These reflections were powerful celebrations of our experiences together as well as each individual personal best. We are extremely grateful for our time with Ryan, our Wilderness Escape guide. His expertise, flexibility, humour and guidance throughout our adventure has been sensational. Congratulations to all students, each of you should be extremely proud of your efforts, well done!


9F with Lisa Goodfellow

Over the course of this week the students have had some amazing group successes and personal breakthroughs. Coming home are a group of young ones who are more organised, extremely grateful for what they have, feeling connected to their classmates and with a new sense of adventure. They rallied around each other and were fast to lend a helping hand or sympathetic ear.


As a huge advocate for outdoor education for personal development the highlight of the camp for me has been seeing my students challenge themselves and realise that they are capable of so much more than they thought possible.


“What’s getting me though is telling my parents I did it. I didn’t think I could. I’m stronger than I knew”


Thank you to the parents of 9F for your the way you love and support your kids. This group has always made coming to work a joy and I’ll forever be grateful for this year with them. As a bit of home sickness went through the group the students realised just how special their families are and how deeply grateful they are for you. Enjoy having them home, believe it or not I’m already looking forward to seeing them Monday!

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